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Final lay summary of p4ges project results in English

Final lay summary of p4ges project results in Malagasy

Articles scientifiques

Andriamananjara, A. Hewson, J., Razakamanarivo, H., Andrisoa, R.H., Ranaivoson, N., Ramboatiana, N., Razafindrakoto, M., Ramifehiarivo, N., Razafimanantsoa, M-P., Rabeharisoa, L., Ramananantoandro, T., Rasolohery, A., Rabetokotany, N., Razafimbelo, T. (2016) Land cover impacts on aboveground and soil carbon stocks in Malagasy rainforest. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 233,1-15 Read more

Andriamananjara, A., Ranaivoson, N., Razafimbelo., Hewson, J., Ramifehiarivo, N., Rasolohery, A., Andrisoa, R.H., Razafindrakoto, M.A., Razafimanantsoa, M.P., Rabetokotany, N., Razakamanarivo, H. (2017) Towards a better understanding of soil organic carbon variation in Madagascar. European Journal of Soil Science. Read more

Bidaud, C., Ranjatson, P., Schreckenberg, K., Jones, J.P.G. (2016) The sweet and the bitter: Intertwined positive and negative social impacts of a biodiversity offset. Conservation and Society Read more

Bidaud, C., Schreckenberg, K. & Jones, J.P.G. (2018) The local costs of biodiversity offsets: comparing standards, policy and practice. Land Use PolicyRead more

Ghimire, C.P., Bruijnzeel, L.A., Lubczynski, M.W., Ravelona, M., Zwartendijk, B.W., van Meerveld, H.J. (2017) Measurement and modelling of rainfall interception by two differently aged secondary forests in upland Eastern Madagascar. Journal of Hydrology Read more

Ghimire, C.P., Bruijnzeel, L.A., Lubczynski, M.W., Zwartendijk, B.W, Odongo, V.O., Ravelona, M., van Meerveld, H.J. (2018) Transpiration and stomatal conductance in a young secondary tropical montane forest: contrasts between native trees and invasive understorey shrubs. Tree Physiology. Read more

Harvey, C. Rambeloson, A.M., Andrianjohaninarivo, T., Andriamaro, L., Rasolohery, A., Ramanahadray, S., Randrianarisoa, J., Christie, M., Siwicka, E., Remoundou, K., MacKinnonl J.L. (2018) Local perceptions of the livelihood and conservation outcomes of small-scale livelihood projects: a case study from Madagascar. Society and Natural Resources. Read more

Jones, J.P.G., Mandimbiniaina, R., Kelly, R., Ranjatson, P., Rakotojoelina, B., Schreckenberg, K., Poudyal, M. (2018) Human migration to the forest frontier: implications for land use change and conservation management, Geo: Geography and the Environment. Read more

Jones, J. P. G., Ratsimbazafy, J., Ratsifandrihamanana, A. N., Watson, J. E. M., Andrianandrasana, H. T., Cabeza, M., Cinner, J. E., Goodman, S. M., Hawkins, F., Mittermeier, R. A., Rabearisoa, A. L., Rakotonarivo, O. S., Razafimanahaka, J. H., Razafimpahanana, A. R., Wilmé, L. & Wright, P. C., (2019) Last chance for Madagascar’s biodiversity. Nature Sustainability. Read more

MacKinnon, J., Andriamaro, L., Rambeloson, A.M., Razafindrazakasoa, M., Harvey, C.A. (2018) Costs of delivering benefits to local communities as part of REDD+ programs: an analysis from Madagascar. Environmental Conservation. Read more

Poudyal, M., Ramamonjisoa, B.S., Hockley, N.J., Rakotonarivo, S.O., Gibbons, J.M., Mandimbiniaina, R., Rasoamanana, A., Jones, J.P.G. (2016) Can REDD+ social safeguards reach the ‘right’ people? Lessons from Madagascar. Global Environmental Change. Read more

Poudyal, M., Rakotonarivo, O.S., Razafimanahaka, J.H., Hockley, N. & Jones, J.P.G. (2018) Household economy, forest dependency & opportunity costs of conservation in eastern rainforests of Madagascar. Scientific data. Read more.

Poudyal, M., Jones, J. P. G., Rakotonarivo, O. S., Hockley, N., Gibbons, J.M., Mandimbiniaina, R., Rasoamanana, A., Andrianantenaina, N.S. & Ramamonjisoa, B.S., (2018) Who bears the cost of forest conservation? PeerJ. 6, e5106. Read more

Rafidimanantsoa, H.P., Poudyal., M., Ramamonjisoa, B., Jones, J.P.G. (2018) Mind the gap: the use of research in protected area management in Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation and Development. Read more

Rakotonarivo, O.S. Jacobsen, J.B., Poudyal, M., Rasoamanana, A., Hockley, N. (2017) Estimating the welfare impacts of forest conservation when property rights are contested. Land Use Policy. Read more

Rakotonarivo, O.S., Jacobsen, J.B., Larsen, H.O., Jones, P.G.J, Nielsen, M.S., Ramamonjisoa, B.S., Mandimbiniaina, R. R., Hockley, N. (2017) Qualitative and quantitative evidence on the true local welfare costs of forest conservation in Madagascar: Are discrete choice experiments a valid ex-ante tool? World Development. Read more

Rakotonarivo, O.S., Schaafsma M. & Hockley, N. (2016) A systematic review of the reliability and validity of discrete choice experiments in valuing non-market environmental goods. Journal of Environmental Management 183, 98–109 Read more

Ramifehiarivo, N., Brossard, M., Grinand, C., Andriamananjara, A., Razafimbelo, T., Rasolohery, A., Razafimahatratra, H., Seyler, F., Ranaivoson, N., Rabenarivo, M., Albrecht, A., Razafindrabe, F., Razakamanarivo, H., 2017. Mapping soil organic carbon on a national scale: Towards an improved and updated map of Madagascar. Read more

Rasolofoson, R.A., Ferraro, P.J., Jenkins, C.N., Jones, J.P.G. (2015) Effectiveness of Community Forest Management at reducing deforestation in Madagascar. Biological Conservation 184: 271-278 Read more

Rasolofoson, R.A., Nielsen, M.R., Jones J.P.G. (2018). The potential of the Global Person Generated Index (GPGI) for evaluating the perceived impact of conservation interventions on subjective well-being. World DevelopmentRead more

Rasolofoson, R.A., P.J. Ferraro, G. Ruta, M.S Rasamoelina, P.L Randriankolona, H.O. Larsen and J.P.G Jones (2016) Impacts of Community Forest Management on human economic well-being across Madagascar. Conservation Letters. Read more

Razafimbelo, T., Rasolohery, A., Razafimahatratra, H., Seyler, F., Ranaivoson, N., Rabenarivo, M., Albrecht, A., Razafindrabe, F., Razakamanarivo, H., 2016. Mapping soil organic carbon on a national scale: Towards an improved and updated map of Madagascar. Read more 

Razafindrakoto, M., Andriamananjara, A., Razafimbelo, T., Hewson, J., Andrisoa, R.H., Jones, J.P.G.,  van Meerveld, H.J.I., Cameron, A., Ranaivoson, N., Ramifehiarivo, N., Ramboatiana, N., Razafinarivo, R.N.T., Ramananantoandro, T., Rasolohery, A., Razafimanantsoa, M.P., Jourdan, C., Saint-André, L., Rajoelison, G., Razakamanarivo, R., (2017), Organic carbon stocks in all pools following land cover change in rainforest of Madagascar. In Soil Management and Climate Change: Effects on Organic Carbon, Nitrogen Dynamics and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. edited by Muñoz, A. and Zornoza R.

St. John, F.A.V., Brockington, D., Bunnefeld, N., Duffy, R., Homewood, K., Jones, J.P.G., Keane, A., Milner-Gulland, E.J., Nuno, A., Razafimanahaka, J. (2016) Assuring anonymity at the individual level may not be sufficient to protect research participants from harm. Biological Conservation. Read more

Tabor, K., Jones, K., Hewson, J., Rasolohery, A., Rambeloson, A., Andrianjoaninarivo, T., Harvey, C. Evaluating the effectiveness of conservation investments in reducing deforestation and fires in Ankeniheny-Zahemena Corridor, Madagascar. Read more.

Zwartendijk, B.W., van Meerveld, H.J., Ghimire, C.P., Bruijnzeel, L.A., Ravelona, M., Jones, J.P.G. (2017) Rebuilding ecosystem functioning after deforestation: Soil infiltration capacity and preferential flow pathways under different land uses in Eastern Madagascar. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. Read more