Poster promoting better understanding of social safeguard issues around Protected Areas produced and distributed

Sanda Anjara Rakotomalala

At a national workshop in 2020, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) launched its initiative to update all of Madagascar's protected area management guidance. Currently, we are working closely with the MEDD to reform the Environmental and Social Management Framework of Madagascar's PAs. This process is intended to be consultative and inclusive in order to take advantage of the experiences of PA managers and to respond to the real environmental and social management challenges that exist in the field. A number of Forest4Climate&People activities including our ‘sharing workshop’ and national workshop were part of this project.

To accompany this reform, our team has developed a communication and awareness poster that can be used with different stakeholders such as managers, local communities, donors, different sectors. The poster translates our research results into a simple language and format that is accessible to any audience. It illustrates in a simple and realistic way the key concepts on social safeguarding in Protected Areas as well as the main issues it faces in the case of Madagascar.

You can look at the poster in full size here.

A document explaining the research underpinning the research is available here (and here in French).

The poster was developed to meet several objectives:

  • - To raise awareness among all stakeholders about the purpose of social safeguards and the challenges in implementation to encourage investment in better social safeguarding in conservation projects
  • - Specifically, the poster helps to clarify the difference and complementarity between social safeguarding, poverty alleviation and sustainable development at the level of PAs and to guide the clarification of the roles of each in social safeguarding at the level of PAs

The poster is available in official Malagasy and in Betsimisaraka and Sakalava dialects (as well as English and French). This work was partly funded by the Madagascar Biodiversity Foundation (FAPBM).

Currently, 80 copies of the poster are being distributed to the various PAs financed by FAPBM and to the offices of the 22 Regional offices of the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development.

Publication date: 11 January 2022